The Song of Our Nation

For centuries, we have always turned to the timeless words of Dovid Hamelech. Our solace during the darkest moments and source of joy in happier times, Tehillim remains on our lips - our song when words won't suffice. 

And now, we aim to deepen this connection. 

We all have what to daven for. Our goal is to collectively incorporate Tehillim into our every day, unifying our voice in tefillah to creating a better tomorrow for ourselves, our people, and the entire world. 

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A Daily Prayer, An Eternal Song


מזמורי התהילים הם מפתחות המתאימות לכל היכלות הרחמים רפואה ישועה ופרנסה. (בעש״ט)

Written through Ruach Hakodesh, Tehillim is our most ancient and cherished segulah, possessing the power to heal, uplift, and transform our lives for the better. 


ושבחו חכמים למי שקורא זמירות מספר תהלים בכל יום ויום. (רמב״ם)

Tehillim is not just for when we think we need it, it’s an ongoing tefilla we all need and in just just a few minutes, every day, you can access immeasurable bracha and yeshua.


כי אין לנו יותר גדול מספר התהילים שכלול מן הכל. (של"ה)

We all need tefilla, personally and collectively, and by joining together in reciting Tehillim, our voice — and our impact — is that much stronger.

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All we need is between these pages

For You 

מזמורי התהילים הם מפתחות המתאימות לכל היכלות הרחמים רפואה ישועה ופרנסה. (בעש״ט)

The words of Tehillim encompass all aspects of our our physical and spiritual needs. Whether in need of refuah, parnassa, zivug, hatzlacha, nachas, Tehillim puts all your bakashos into words that bring about bracha and yeshua. 

For Your Family

תהלים זוהי סגולה נפלאה לכל דבר. (ר׳ משה מסאווראן)

There are so many people around us who are in need of refuos, shidduchim, nachas, and yeshuos in all areas. Tehillim has been a time-tested source of  yeshua, especially when recited as a zechus for others. 

For Klal Yisroel

על ידי התהילים מקרבים את הגאולה השלימה. (פרדס מנחם)

In these challenging times when we face uncertainty around the world, we need to access the words that stood with us for generations — Tehillim — more than ever to bring us all toward the geulah sheleima.